There are several well known spinal deformities according to the medical industry. The most common ones are kyphosis (Hunchback), Scoliosis (Lateral, side to side curvature of the spine) and slipped disk (Herniated vertebra). The Posturator offers correction for the Hunchback condition as well as slipped disk. It’s important to know that when making vertically it’s essential to keep the integrity of the corrective trajectory. This is why the Posturator not only corrects hunchback condition but also prevents interruption (Caused by a slipped disc) by compensating for slipped disc with 'Spine Nodules’, to prevent the slipped disc from interrupting the corrective trajectory of the spinal structure. Without the compensation provided by the ‘spine nodules’ it’s virtually unlikely to correct the spinal trajectory to the portion of the spine that is above the slipped disc.